Marco Tirelli at Panorama L’Aquila
From September 7 – 10, 2023 Marco Tirelli’s works will be visible in the beautiful scenario of Palazzo Rivera as part of the project realized by and curated by Cristiana Perrella
“Reality does not exist, only interpretation exists”
A member of the New Roman School in the 1980s and 1990s, Tirelli was trained in set design. The artist’s background, paired with the visual complexity of the layered histories surrounding him in his hometowns of Rome and Spoleto have deeply informed his highly personal and allegorical vocabulary of memories. His works populate a complex visual archive, one that the artist has been systematically building overtime since his early childhood. They activate mental realms of cultural recollection, collective memory, and conventional conceptions of value representation through the webs of associations and connotations they are capable of unleashing.
Geometric shapes, elements from the natural world, manmade tools and pieces of machinery, architectural forms, objects from the everyday world, all meet in his compositions characterized by a strong tension between illusion and reality, between light and darkness. They are things generated by space itself as they are written with light; they originate from the shadow and therefore become visible.